Monday, March 19, 2012

WVM 30hours Famine Launching 2012

WVM 30hours Famine Launching 2012

World Vision Malaysia's 15th Anniversary Ambassador, Wang LeeHom, will be in Kuala Lumpur in August to cheer on participants of the 30-Hour Famine at the event's Mega Countdown. In launching the World Vision 30-Hour Famine in Kuala Lumpur recently via webcam, LeeHom promises to be at the Countdown on 5 August, 2012 where participants can "see him, sing with him and touch him" even as they undergo 30 hours of fasting to raise funds for the poor and hungry. The 30-Hour Famine is an annual youth-oriented advocacy cum fund-raising event organised by World Vision in 15 countries. Each year, it focuses on a different socio-economic issue impacting the lives of poor communities around the world. The aim is to spur participants to a higher level of awareness and challenge them to act by giving those in need a hand up. Participants raise funds for the event by pledging to fast from solid foods for 30 hours. During their fast, they undertake various activities aimed at deepening their! understanding of, and empathy for, the particular issue of focus for the year. This year, World Vision Malaysia's 30-Hour Famine has adopted the theme "Hunger No More" highlighting the pressing global hunger malaise. Liew Tong Ngan, CEO of World Vision Malaysia, said: "Children are the most vulnerable in any crisis and challenging situations. The sad truth is, they are also voiceless and unable to bring attention to their plight. It is our duty to speak up for them. "As a child-focused development ...