Friday, April 27, 2012

Save Your Heart Tonight ~Chapter Three

Save Your Heart Tonight ~Chapter Three
Both Jaelyn and Amanda looked back and forth, also two and fro in confusion. They both bleeped out at the same time shouting "WHO?" "Nothing, nothing. It's no one." I said nervously playing with my medium-long chestnut brown hair. They continued to look around the room until they spotted the handsomely beautiful young man. Both their facing turning into shock and excitement. They attempted to scream in joy, but nothing came out. Until they words came stuttering out. "OH MY FLIPPING GG-GOSH. It's HHH-HARRY STYLES!" Amanda loudly said, but only loud enough for Jaelyn and I to hear. "SHHHHHHH. KEEP IT DOWN! He's in glasses and a hat for a reason, right?" I said angrily. "Why did you say OMG it's him?" She questioned in curiosity. "Because, yesterday in the park. We ran into each other, and I spilt smoothie all over me and him. It was completely humiliating and I was trying to figure out who I ran into all day and night, because I only saw a glimpse of him and he was also wearin! g glasses. I just saw his curly coffee hair. And it knew who he was but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Anyways, I'm going to get ice cream. Be right back." I said quietly so no one other than my friends could hear me. I proceeded to stand up, and I noticed that the line was massively long and Harry was still the last in line. "Great. Time for awkwardness." I said in my mind as I walked behind him and stood anxiously. I started to check him out. Beginning at the feet and ending at the head. Just ...