Saturday, March 17, 2012

Radostina Pavlova--You`re not from here,Cover Lara Fabian 2012г. РадоÑÑина Ðавлова

Radostina Pavlova--You`re not from here,Cover Lara Fabian 2012г. Радостина Павлова
Radostina Pavlova-You`re not from here -Cover Lara Fabian

God And Your Job

God And Your Job
What is the best job in the world? A lawyer? A businessman? A doctor? A singer? An actor? An NBA superstar? A prime minister? Or a pastor? Well, let me tell you something, I don't think the Bible tells me the answer. But the Bible does tell me that the best thing about our jobs is that ultimately we can serve Jesus. It's so exciting when you come to Colossians chapter 3 and verses 22 to 25, where Jesus is our master. God is our master. Paul says, "Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged. Servants, obey in all things your masters according to the flesh; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but in singleness of heart, fearing God; And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men". It's amazing because the Bible tells me I am serving God in my job. Whether I am a sweeper, a serviceman, a salesman or an insurance agent, I know today I can serve God in my occupation. Verse 24, "Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the rewar! d of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ." Hey, I hope this transform the way you go about your work on Monday morning because you're not just serving your boss or a company; God is saying you're serving Jesus Christ. See beyond just the materials physical things you do and realize you serve Jesus Christ. And therefore you can serve from the heart, whether your boss your superior see it or not, the important thing is that Jesus sees it, and we can serve today with a joyful brand new attitude ...

Kingdom Rush⢠iPad App Review - CrazyMikesapps

Kingdom Rushâ„¢ iPad App Review - CrazyMikesapps
Subscribe: Official iPad App Review Web Site: iPad App Download Cost: $0.99 Category: Games Developer: Armor Games Inc Size: 60.6 MB Rating: 5 out of 5 Store: iTunes App Store. iPad App Review, by CrazyMike, For more awesome iPhone, iPad, Kindle Fire, Android, and Mac video app reviews and demos check out our YouTube channels - iPhone, iPad, Android, Mac - Android Kingdom Rushâ„¢ iPad App Details Title: Kingdom Rushâ„¢ Price: $0.99 Size: 60.6 MB Category: Games Developer: Armor Games Inc Store: iTunes App Store Follow Us, Like Us, Subscribe to Us on our social networks below!! http Follow Us on Twitter Like Us on Facebook Watch Us on YouTube Download Us on iTunes Get our app here Kingdom Rushâ„¢ iPad App Developers Description iOS iPad SALE 66% OFF!!! DON'T MISS OUT THE CHANCE TO GET THE #1 STRATEGY GAME ON THE IPAD FOR ONLY 0.99! ! *****#1 Strategy Game on the iPad***** "One of the most engaging TD games we've played on an iPad" (STP Score of 4 out of 4 "Must Have") "This is easily one of the best TD games currently in the App Store" (4.5 out of 5 Stars) "Kingdom Rush can be filed in the thin folder marked "games that are pretty much perfect" "This is one kingdom you'll be in no rush to escape from" -PocketGamer (Gold Award - Score 9) "Kingdom Rush proves that the defense genre is still ...