Monday, May 14, 2012

OPD Occupation of East Oakland

OPD Occupation of East Oakland
Uhuru! Last night - Wed, May 9 - the OPD had the block on which the Uhuru House is located on lock down for over 10 hours. While we were in the middle of our Oakland Freedom Summer Project political action meeting the pigs vamped on the community. InPDUM organizers went out to find out what was going on. The pigs had the entire MacArthur Blvd. from 78th to 79th St (the same block as the Uhuru House) completely blocked off. There were pigs brandishing AR 15's (Assault rifles) walking up and down the block and they were inspecting everybody's car who attempted to leave the block (ie our forces). They didn't appear to be allowing anyone entry to the block. Later on, the news channel 2 claimed that the pigs had stopped an African couple in their vehicle on 79th and MacArthur and that the man pulled a gun on the pigs and then ran. Since that incident allegedly occurred they have had the helicopters flying around and the pigs have occupied this block. However, we saw no vehicle pu! lled over. The news also claimed that they found "the gun". A little background: On Sat night the pigs killed a young brother named Alan Bluford, just blocks away from the Uhuru House. This was just hours after we held the March and Court for Black Justice. Leading up to the march we canvased the community with posters raising up the resistance of Lovelle Mixon and calling on the people to participate in the March and Court for Black Justice. There is to be a demo we have been asked to participate in ...