Thursday, April 12, 2012

ULTRAnumb Episode 15: See How She Dies Part 1

ULTRAnumb Episode 15: See How She Dies Part 1
Sam and Dean ran towards Kol and knocked him down. Kendall quickly ran outside and grabbed Brenna. Sam took out of knife and stuck it into Kol's stomache. "You leave me and my family alone." Dean said twisting the knife. "You dont really think you can kill me with the silly little knife do you?" Kol asked laughing. "No but the dead man's blood will surely keep you down for a few hours." Sam smirked. "Dead man's blood?" Kol asked angerly. "My brothers will come and kill you!" He roared. "Yea? Well not if we kill them first." Brenna said loading her gun. "Lets go." They all packed their things into their cars and headed out. They drove to the middle of the woods. They got out and started small fires to have some light. "Do you think they'll really come?" Danielle asked shaking. "Oh we came." A male voice said calmly. "Now we understand you have something of ours." "Yea. We do." Mark said as Sam and Dean pulled Kol out of the truck. "Brother?" The tallest one said balling his f! ists. "No...They've placed symbols all over you cannot pass through." Kol said weakly. "HOW? How did they get you so weak?" The shortest one asked. "Dead mans...blood." Kol said softly. "Tie him up." Brenna ordered. Sam and Dean did as told and tied Kol to hang from a tree. "Now, you listen to me. We make a deal or your brother here gets it." Brenna said twirling a blade in her hand. "You wouldn't." The tall brother said stepping forward. "You bet I would." She said then traced the knife along Kol's ...

Beer for Dogs - Rush - 2112 - Better than Ezra - Good

Beer for Dogs - Rush - 2112 - Better than Ezra - Good
Beer for Dogs, Rush, 2112 Cover, Better than Ezra, "Good" Cover, Haynes Ave. Block Party, 2009

eiNSTüRZeNDe NeuBauTeN @ PRiMaVeRa_20110528

eiNSTüRZeNDe NeuBauTeN @ PRiMaVeRa_20110528
it's very sad... all photographers have 2 go... ;)) HauS DeR LüGe... Im Erdgeschoss: Befinden sich vier Türen die führen direkt ins Freie oder besser gesagt: in den Grundstein... da kann warten wer will um zwölf kommt Beton... Grundsteinlegung! Gedankengänge sind gestrichen... in Kopfhöhe braun... infam oder katholisch violett... zur besseren Orientierung... Untergeschoss: Dies ist ein Keller... hier lebe ich... dies hier ist dunkel feucht und angenehm... dies hier ist ein Schoss! PRIMAVERA greatest gigs : thursday 26/05/2011: discovery : toundra - conan mockassin - ty segall - lüger top : moon duo - PIL - glenn branca - suicide missed 2 my regret : DM Stith - sufjan stevens - kyst friday 27/05/2011 : discovery : ainara legardon - lichens - del rey top : julia kent - wolf ppl - pere ubu - low - shellac missed 2 my regret : monochrome set - arto lindsay - male bonding - autolux (cancelled) saturday 28/05/2011 : discovery : cuzo&damo suzuki - the soft moon top : einstü! rzende neubauten - the album leaf - polly - swans missed 2 my regret : perfume genius - John Cale & Band + BCN216 perform PARIS 1919 - kurt vile&violators - mogwai - jon spencer - pissed jeans - black angels Great quality Primavera festival footage 2b found : i'm not going 2 look up song titles due 2 laziness & lack of time... if I dunno them I dunno them... feel free 2 add if u do!

Petrucci inspired improv

Petrucci inspired improv
I did not totally make up the background riff, most of it belongs to liquid tension experiment, but I improved the lead parts. I'm proud of this, so be nice.